St. John the Beloved Council #11796
Knights of Columbus
907 Milltown Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
Our Mission
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Read more at K of C Supreme website
Council Meetings
The council meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the SJB Hall Conference Room at St. John the Beloved Church. No meeting is held on the first Wednesday of July and August.
Council Meetings: Grand Knight Script
How to Propose and Handle a Motion
The Rosary is prayed prior to the 1st meeting of the month at 6:30 p.m.
THE 2024-2025 OFFICERS
Elected Officers ——-
Grand Knight: John Ehlers –
Deputy Grand Knight: Luke Raymond –
Chancellor: Michael Delaveaga –
Advocate: Joe Siano –
Warden: Kevin C. Duffy, PGK –
Treasurer: Ray Christensen –
Recorder: Bryan Harris –
Inside Guard: Edgar Detterline –
Outside Guard: Matt McCartney –
Trustees ——-
Trustee 3-year: David Gilefski, PGK –
Trustee 2-year: Jim Gestwicki, PGK –
Trustee 1-year: Thomas A. Pollutri, PGK –
Appointed Officers ——-
Financial Secretary: William K. Harris, PGK –
Chaplain: Fr. Michael Vannicola –
Lecturer: Bob Dayett –
Directors & Chairmen ——-
Program Director: – Luke Raymond –
Family Director: – Bruce Aungst
Community Director: – David Gilefski, PGK –
Faith Director: – Deacon Steve Oldiges,PGK,FDD
Membership Chairman: – Kevin C. Duffy, PGK
Retention Chairman: – Kevin C. Duffy, PGK
Social Events Chairman: – Joe Koskol, PGK
Mentoring Chairman: – Joe Koskol, PGK
Technology Chairman: Ritchie Molaison –
Social Media Chairman: Ray Christensen –
Council Size
As of May, 2024 our Council has 185 members.
We are among the ten largest Councils in the state of Delaware.
How To Become A Knight Of Columbus
Please e-mail our Membership Director, Kevin C. Duffy, PGK. Also see membership information.
Thank you for your interest in the Knights of Columbus.
Father Michael J. McGivney Guild
All Knights are encouraged to join the Father Michael J. McGivney Guild in support of the canonization of our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney. We are not asked for our financial support. We are asked for our spiritual support.
The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Father McGivney. The Guild distributes informational materials about him, receives reports of favors granted through his intercession and oversees the distribution of relics. Guild members receive regular updates on the progress of Father McGivney’s cause for canonization and are invited to participate in promoting devotion to this Servant of God. Members of the Knights of Columbus are not automatically Guild members and must elect to join the Guild. The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild Newsletter is published bimonthly except July- August, and is sent free to Guild members.
To join the Guild, fill in and submit the form. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
God bless.
Joe Koskol
Past Grand Knight (9/21/17 email)
Council History
Our council was started in 1996 by a group of experienced knights from St. Michael’s Council at Holy Family Parish in Newark and men from St. John the Beloved Parish who were new to the Knights of Columbus. These brothers wanted a council in their home parish, and an opportunity to serve the local parish and community.
Membership drives were held on the weekends of April 14th and April 21st after all Masses to canvass the St John the Beloved parish community for new members and transfer members. Information sessions were held starting on April 24th to explain more about the Knights of Columbus programs, and how local councils function. On May 15th many new knights took their first degree in Father Sheehy Hall at St. John the Beloved, and joined the Knights of Columbus. Because of the large response, additional First Degrees were held on 6/9/96 and 6/19/96.
Thanks to the large, enthusiastic response, formation of the council started immediately. A meeting was held to nominate and elect charter officers who would lead the council. Every position was quickly filled, and Michael A. DiCostanza was chosen to lead the Council as our first Grand Knight. Our first meeting as a council was held on May 29th, 1996, and the officers were formally installed by then District Deputy Bill Galloway on June 12th at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli and Father Leonard J. Kempski at St. John the Beloved Church. Members from 22 councils throughout Delaware attended the installation ceremonies.
Father Kempski noted in his homily that, “We need your witness to Jesus Christ. We need your willingness to live the Gospel. We need your help and strength to join the rest of us Knights, as families, as Catholics, as Christian believers.” He continued, “We welcome you, we need you, we pray that your strength will strengthen us and that together we might truly be a sign of
God’s power of God’s community.”
Bishop Saltarelli observed that St. John the Beloved Council was the first new council to be established after his 11/21/95 appointment as Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington. He told the officers “This council will become a special favorite of mine. I’m going to watch you very closely. I expect this council to be an excellent model….to be a fantastic model to the rest of the state and to the Eastern Shore (of Maryland)”.
St. John the Beloved Council #11796 was officially chartered on June 22, 1996 with 99 men, unprecedented in Delaware State Council history. The official charter was presented to the Council in Father Sheehy Hall at SJB following 12:30 p.m. Mass on April 12, 1997.
Our council was off and running. The rest is history in the making. Our council has become one of the largest and most active councils in the state of Delaware, and is thankful for the wonderful support of our parish and local community. We ask for God’s continued blessing as our council continues to grow.