Council Christmas Party 12/15/19
Ed Oliver Golf Club in Wilmington, DE
Our Council had another wonderful Christmas party. It was very nice to see those who could attend.
The Council congratulates our Knight of the Year, Sir William K. Harris, Jr, and our Family of the Year, Sir Joseph E. and Eri Koskol Family. Your work on behalf of our Council is most appreciated and your awards are very well deserved!
— Tom Pollutri, Grand Knight
Respect Life Month – Oct 2019

Car Show 6/22/19
Tom Pollutri, Grand Knight-elect, staged our 6th Annual Car Show for the Knights of Columbus on a sunny and warm Saturday 6/22/19 10am – 3pm. The event was enjoyable and we raised over $800 for charitable organizations we support. Over a dozen Knights volunteered to make it a success.
Council Welcomes Anthony Sianni Sr.
Anthony Sianni Sr. became a Knight and joined our Council in May, 2019.
March 2019 Lenten Fish Fry

Joe Mahoney, Outstanding Service
At our meeting this past Wednesday night, I had the pleasure of presenting our Parking Director Joe Mahoney with a most well deserved award. Please see the attached for details.
Thank you Brother Joe for your leadership and dedication over many years to this very important Council program.
Council Christmas Dinner Party 12/2/18
Cavaliers Country Club, Newark, DE
Our Council had another wonderful Christmas Banquet. It was very nice to see those who could attend. We had perhaps a record turnout at 83 attendees.
The Council congratulates our Knight of the Year, Frank Conaway, and our Family of the Year, Bruce and Judy Aungst Family. Your work on behalf of our Council is most appreciated and your awards are very well deserved!
God Bless you all.
Joe Koskol, Grand Knight (below photos by Steve O. & Ray C.)
Outstanding Service Award: Terry Tasker
It is with great pleasure as Grand Knight to have the honor of conferring our Council’s Outstanding Service Award on a Worthy Brother Knight. He has shown his excellent leadership over many years as Director of our Blue Mass. The Blue Mass is an annual Mass which honors our men and women Police, Fire, EMT and Coast Guard personnel.
Terry has served as Director of our Blue Mass for 16 years. The concept for the Blue Mass was formed in conjunction with Father William Cocco. Both Terry and Father Cocco were former Police Officers.
To support this Mass and the following Reception, Terry has consistently raised between $1500 to $1800 per year in donations from local businesses. The Blue Mass has been a resounding success and a heartfelt tribute to those who serve and protect us all.
From all your Council Brothers, thank you Brother Terry for a job very well done!
Presented on this 2rd day of December 2018
Joseph E. Koskol, Grand Knight
4th Degree 11/10/18
The 46th Exemplification of the 4th Degree was held this weekend. Once again it was a wonderful event.
I proudly inform the Council of our newest Sir Knights, our Brothers:
Father Lance Martin
Alberio DiSilvio
James Gestwicki
Timothy Griffiths
Congratulations gentlemen from all of your Brother Knights of Saint John the Beloved Council! Well done! And welcome to our Cardinal Gibbons Assembly.
Joseph Koskol, Grand Knight
Knight’s Mass & Brunch 10/7/18
Brother Knights, Ladies & Families,
Sunday, Oct 7 was our Inaugural Council Mass & Brunch. We had over 30 of us participating. We processed into Church as a group to our reserved pews up front and received the blessings of Sunday Mass together. Many of us participated as Cantor, Usher, Alter Server, Lector or Eucharistic Minister. Father Piekarski mentioned the Knights several times during the Mass & he joined us for a wonderful brunch at Michael’s Restaurant.
Once again, the Council thanks Brother Dennis Connolly for initiating and coordinating this event. Great job Dennis!
And thank you all for attending! We plan to do this again early next year. To all Knights, their Lady & Families, please join us then.
Vivat Jesus!
Joe Koskol, Grand Knight
Officer’s Installation Mass & Ceremony 8/29/18
Three Knights of Columbus Councils: Saint John the Beloved, Saint David & Elizabeth Ann Seton, accompanied by our Ladies, attended last night’s Officer’s Installation Mass & Ceremony at Saint John the Beloved Church. It was very memorable event, concelebrated by Father Joseph Piekarski & Father Roger Di Buo, presided by Worthy District Deputy Walter Kolicz & served by Alter Server Conor Gestwicki.
We appreciate the attendance of our State Deputy Bob Rossi and our District Field Agent & State Membership Director Martin Reynolds.
All are very greatful for this wonderful blessing and start to the new Columbian Year. We look forward to hearing of all the good works to be accomplished by our three councils in the year to come.
Vivat Jesus!
Joseph Koskol
Grand Knight
Bruce Aungst – Shining Armor Award 5/16/18
Please join me in congratulating Brother Bruce Aungst for his notable achievement in earning the prestigious Knights of Columbus Shining Armor Award.
This award is open to all first year Knights and is conferred on those who meet five requirements in their first year, as explained in the attached citation. Beyond this, Bruce has also taken on the roles of Culture of Life Director & Domestic Church Director. As well, he will become our Inside Guard in the upcoming Columbian Year.
Outstanding work Brother Bruce!! Your Council and Church benefit greatly by all that you do. You are very much appreciated by all. God bless you.
Joe Koskol, Grand Knight
Super Bowl Sub Sales & Food Drive 2/4/18
Knights and family members made Subs as a fundraiser and collected food for the poor after all Masses on Super Bowl Weekend.Outstanding Service Award: Vince & Ann Marie Fritton
It is with great pleasure as Grand Knight to have the honor of conferring our Council’s Outstanding Service Award on a very special couple. Their excellent accomplishments have been ongoing for many years.
As Culture of Life Director & Pro Life Couple, Vince & Anne Marie Fritton have done a tremendous job providing Good Works to our Church, Community and Council. I’m sure you are all aware of their efforts on many fronts, and listing them all out is truly inspiring!
Pro Life Activities:
A. Rose for life coordinator
B. Monthly prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood
C. 40 Days for life
D. Life chain
E. Cross set up
F. March for life coordination
G. Promote Pro life initiatives at council meeting
H. Support Birthright of Delaware
Additional Activities:
1. Souper Bowl Sunday Chairman
2. Donuts and Fellowship Chairman
3. Family Promise Meal provider
4. Ronald McDonald house cook, and family reach out
5. Fish fry waiter / table busing
A big round of applause and a huge THANK YOU for all you have done, Vince & Ann Marie!!
It is with a wish for their continued success, and a regret for our losing their talents, that we bid farewell to Brother Vince Fritton, his wife Anne Marie, and family, as Vince accepts a company transfer to New Jersey.
You will all be greatly missed.
Presented on this 3rd day of January 2018
Joseph E. Koskol, Grand Knight
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