Council Cruise – 9/14/24
We had perfect weather and a great group of people for our September 14th Council boat cruise on the Elk River on the ‘Summer Breeze’, followed by dinner at Schaeffer’s Canal House Restaurant. There were 44 people onboard and 39 at dinner. Everyone said they had a great time cruising and that their meal was excellent. Many said we should do this again next year. Let’s do it!
Council Officers Installation Mass – 8/21/24
We held our Knights Council 11796 “Installation of Council Officers Mass and Ceremony” at 6:30pm at St. John the Beloved.
The Mass was celebrated by Father Vannicola with the assistance of Deacon Oldiges, and the Installation of Council Officers was presided over by our Worthy District Deputy Joe Malkoski assisted by our Worthy District Warden and Trustee Tom Pollutri.
It was a very blessed and heartwarming event. Thank you to everyone involved who participated in making this Mass and Ceremony a success. The Harris’ did a nice job on the reception.
SJB Car Show Fun – 8/16/24
Our 11th Annual Knights of Columbus Car Show and Vendor Show, coordinated by Tom Pollutri and John Ehlers, again included over 100 cars! The sunny afternoon event included food, music, 50/50, Coats For Kids raffle, and several vendors. Over 20 Knights volunteered to make it a success, raising $2500 for our charities!
Council Picnic at Delaware Park – 7/20/24
As Joe Koskol noted:
We had perfect weather and a great time at The Grove on Sunday. A total of 38 people attended. We enjoyed each other’s company, grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, folks brought some amazing side dishes, saw the horses race by, and even played horseshoes.
We’ll do it again one day… Thank you everyone for attending, helping to setup and helping to cleanup.
Dave Gilefski Recognized – July 2024
PGK Dave Gilefski is congratulated by new Grand Knight John Ehlers for his excellent work leading the council as Grand Knight during these last 2 Columbian years.
Pro-Life Vigils on Kirkwood Hwy 2/3 and 4/6
Brother Knights from other councils as well as Delaware Right To Life members joined us to pray and hold signs in protest at AllGyn, Inc on Kirkwood Highway, which provides the abortion pill and performs surgical abortions. The Knights will continue to pray there on the first Saturday of every other month 730-1030am.
Friday Fish Fry Dinners – Lent 2024
For all three drive-thru and all three dine-in fish fry’s combined, we served 1,710 meals. This raised nearly $15,000 for the various charitable donations we make throughout the year to support our brothers and sisters in need, including:
- Outreach (providing food and clothing),
- Bayard House (providing a place to live for homeless, pregnant and/or newly parenting adolescents, young women, and their babies),
- Door of Hope (fostering the Right to Life by encouraging women to keep their babies through education and ultrasound screening),
- Little Sisters of the Poor (caring for our low income seniors in their final years),
- SJB School (tuition assistance for our families needing some help), and others.
Chaplains & Friars Dinner 2/26/24
State Advocate Joe Koskol, Father Michael Vannicola and Grand Knight Dave Gilefski attended the annual Friars Dinner.
Souper Bowl Food Drive 2/11/24
Before each Mass this weekend we collected food donations from parishioners. Over 40 cases of food and personal hygiene products were donated to Outreach.
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